Return on Total Assets

美 [rɪˈtɜːrn ɑːn ˈtoʊtl ˈæsets]英 [rɪˈtɜːn ɒn ˈtəʊtl ˈæsets]
  • 网络总资产收益率;总资产报酬率;资产报酬率;资产回报率;总资产回报率
Return on Total AssetsReturn on Total Assets
  1. The rate of return on total assets is the best overall measure of the earning power of a corporation .


  2. Log of assets , the rate of assets and liabilities , and the rate of return on total assets are the three variables in the model .


  3. Its cash return on total assets last year was 11.4 % , far better than General Electric 's 8.2 % .


  4. Current liability / total assets has remarkable negative influence on the operating profit / total assets and return on total assets ;


  5. Referring to the rate of return on total assets and total assets turnover , we should talk about the famous Dupont return on total assets .


  6. Return on equity and total assets , return on franchise value and units are the most significant positive correlation .


  7. These three indicators are : rate of return on behalf of the total assets of profitability , growth rate of main business income on behalf of listed companies and the growth rate of assets and liabilities on behalf of solvency .
